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We offer the only green alternative to traditional caskets.

In order to perfect the Enviro-CasketTM, a number of elements contained in conventional caskets had to be eliminated while ensuring that functional properties of the casket were maintained.

The elimination of metal was the most obvious of our challenges. Metal used for handles in conventional caskets is a ferrous metal stamp or cast to shape and finished with conventional lacquers and varnishes which contain a number of petrochemicals. Producing a wood equivalent was relatively easy, but creating a wood handle that met the same functionality was most difficult. Northern Casket's patent pending "Non-Lift" 100% wood swing bar handle is a triumph within the industry. Secondary metals, such as hinges, nails, catches, brackets, staples, all presented us with unique challenges, all of which were solved... some using traditional methods, others using new ingenuities.

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Enviro Casket - all wood casket

The nuts + bolts


Enviro-Casket™ uses a pivoting wood peg and bore method to achieve 100% functional retention.


Enviro-Casket™ uses traditional wood dowel methods to provide 100% structural strength retention.


Envio-Casket™ uses a unique coved peg and dowel mechanism to 100% retention of function.


Enviro-Casket™ uses all wood brackets created specifically to replace all metal brackets to retain 100% of function.


Enviro-Casket™ uses specially formulated natural adhesives to provide an alternative to metal staples with 100% function retention.

Enviro Casket All wood casket

Conventional caskets are finished with a number of petrochemical products such as lacquer, varnish, urethanes and varathanes.

All of these products convey at least some level of harmful emissions when interred or cremated.Enviro-Casket™ is finished in 100% natural oil, using natural pigment applied in three (3) involved and critical stages.

This process allows for retention of an attractive finish without the use of petrochemicals.This finish is a breakthrough for the casket industry in the true spirit of conservation.

The interior of Enviro-Casket™ is made from cotton and cellulose materials, eliminating petrochemical based materials contained in conventional caskets such as rayon, nylon, acetates, plastics and polymers.

Bedding for Enviro-Casket™ is provided by using 100% wood excelsior covered by 100% cotton mattress cover.Enviro-Casket™ uses 100% cotton for pillow stuffing to provide superior function in this area as well.

Northern Casket (1976) Ltd. is proud to present Enviro-Casket™, an alternative that truly respects the conservation concerns of today and for the future.